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AIA UK Chapter Bike & Sketching Tour – Kent Coast

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AIA UK Chapter Bike & Sketching Tour – Kent Coast

  • Faversham United Kingdom (map)

See multiple examples English architecture from Roman to Modern times all under the direction of a well-known architecture and art historian.  

Visit multiple examples (up to 7, time and logistics permitting) of English Coastal towns - Faversham, Whitstable, Herne Bay, Birchington, Margate, Broadstairs and even to Ramsgate (for the truly intrepid).  Each town has a different response to modern challenges regarding tourism, environmental control, social cohesion, etc. 

Highlights include:

a medieval church; a renaissance market; a neoclassical clock tower; the modern ‘Turner Centre’; Arts & Crafts and Art Deco housing; Victorian seaside architecture; Roman and Romanesque ruins along with spectacular seascapes and high-tech wind farms – all in all, an eclectic mixture, too difficult to list out in full.

See HERE for full details

Image Credit: B. O'Looney