London Bloomberg Headquarters
By Foster + Partners
Bloomberg’s new European headquarters, occupying a full city block, comprises two buildings united by bridges that span over a pedestrian arcade that reinstates an ancient Roman road. Its façade is defined by a structural sandstone frame, with a series of large-scale bronze fins that shade the floor-to-ceiling glazing. The fins give the building a visual hierarchy and rhythm. The fins vary in scale, pitch and density across each façade according to orientation and solar exposure.
A distinctive hypotrochoid stepped ramp flows through the full height of the building. Clad in bronze, the ramp is designed and proportioned as a place of meeting and connection, allowing people to hold conversations with colleagues, whilst not impeding the flow of people.
Meeting Point: Plaza formed by Walbrook and Canon Streets (London EC4N 8AR)
1.5 CES Credit (minimum) is available and places are limited. Tickets are £3 / £5 for members/non-members, and all proceeds benefit the Noel Hill Travel Bursary.
Special Note: For security reasons, all attendees must be signed up by noon Friday, 10 August. The full name for all attendees must be provided. If you are buying a ticket for someone, you must provide their name before the deadline.
For more information about the project, click here.