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AIA UK 2019 Student Charrette

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AIA UK 2019 Student Charrette

  • roca london gallery (map)


The annual AIA UK Student Charrette offers UK students the opportunity to take part in a juried one-day design competition hosted by the Roca Gallery. 

When: Saturday 19 October 2019, 9am-6pm

Where: Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Rd, London SW6 2PY

Entry fee: £10 per student

NEWS: Tickets will now be available on the door!

Individuals and teams of up to 8 can register. Individuals will be assigned a team on the day. Each team will be mentored by a practising architect.

The charrette is a CAD-free event. Drawn, modelled and collaged proposals only. Bring your favourite medium and tools with you. Rolls of tracing paper and drawing paper will be provided.

Entry fee includes lunch, refreshments and reprographic services throughout the day.

Open to 2nd and 3rd year architecture & interior design students only.

Jury Members:
- Ali Abbas - Stanton Williams
- Andrew Morris - Stanton Williams
- Yasmin Khan Osborne - Rodić Davidson
- Amrita Raja - Woods Bagot, AIA UK President.

This event is limited to 80 students.

CES Credits: 6 for mentors and jury.


Generously sponsored by Laufen and Roca London Gallery.  

Earlier Event: September 23
NCARB - US Licensing Webinar
Later Event: October 22
AIA UK Film Night - Unfinished Spaces