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NCARB - US Licensing Webinar

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NCARB - US Licensing Webinar

NCARB - US Licensing Webinar

When: Monday 23 September 2019, 18:30-20:30

Where: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Morelands, 5-23 Old Street, EC1V 9HL OR online

Guest speakers: Harry M. Falconer, Jr., FAIA, NCARB, HonD, Hon. FCARM
Vice President, Experience + Education
Jeremy Fretts, AIA, NCARB, M.A. Ed.
Assistant Vice President, Experience + Education

Join us for a discussion of the American licensing procedure and a chance to meet others who are working towards a US architecture license.

If you are in the UK, join us in person at AHMM, or if you cannot make it in person, sign up and let us know you want to dial in.

CES Credits - 1.5 TBC

Registration is free but spaces at AHMM are limited.

Earlier Event: September 14
Newcastle City Excursion
Later Event: October 19
AIA UK 2019 Student Charrette