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AIA UK Building Tour - 4 Pancras Square by Eric Parry Architects

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AIA UK Building Tour - 4 Pancras Square by Eric Parry Architects



Date: 6:30-8pm, 12 June 2019

Address: 4 Pancras Square, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AG

Join us for a building tour of this exciting project, which recently won a Commendation at the 2019 AIA UK Design Awards.

4 Pancras Square forms the keystone of this new public space at King’s Cross and cements the success of a new urban quarter. The quality and robustness of this project was developed following the success of the client’s preceding office buildings, within a backdrop of a changing market, more flexible user requirements and a much sharper focus on sustainability and user well-being.

The building consists of ten storeys of office above ground, an office reception & cafe, retail units at ground and lower ground floors, and two levels of basement, a total of 305,000 ft2 GEA. A weathering (corten) steel exoskeleton characterises the building and gives a strong identity for Universal Music the building’s anchor tenant. A vierendeel truss at the first floor allows the transfer of structure to widely-spaced ground floor columns that open up the ground floor.

The largest entrance span, at 27m, allows the square landscaping to flow into the building. The building has an extensive landscaped roof garden and amenity terraces.

CES Credits - 1 (TBC)


£3 AIA Members

£5 Non-members