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Newcastle City Excursion

Events Calendar

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Newcastle City Excursion


When: Saturday 14 - Sunday 15th September
Where: Newcastle/ Gateshead

Early-bird AIA Member Tickets at £99 will now be available till 8 September. Book now to reserve your place!

View the Itinerary here.

This year’s annual weekend excursion will be to Newcastle upon Tyne. Join us for a weekend of talks, walking and building tours, as we explore the city’s rich history. From Roman to Postmodern, with spectacular bridges spanning the River Tyne and several contemporary gems, Newcastle offers a wealth of projects to discover. 

 With a focus on the Quayside, the weekend will offer tours of selected projects, city walks, a gala dinner, and of course, time to enjoy the many bridges that grace the city’s skyline.  

Quayside highlights include tours of the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (Ellis Williams), the Sage Gateshead (Foster + Partners), the Millennium Bridge (Wilkinson Eyre), and a gala dinner at the Six at Baltic with stunning views over the River Tyne. We will also visit the Byker Wall (Ralph Erskine), explore the historic City Centre, and much more.  

We hope to see you there!

CES Credits: 12 (TBC)

Registration Fees*:

Early-bird AIA Member Rate (Now until 8 September 2019): £99.00
An AIA Member can purchase 1 additional ticket at this rate for a non-AIA guest

AIA Member Rate (After 8 September 2019): £149.00
Young Professionals (under-35s): £79.00
Non-member Rate£169.00

*Note Eventbrite booking fees will NOT be charged. Attendees who have already paid a booking fee will be refunded.

Gala Dinner
The cost of the Gala dinner at the Six Restaurant Baltic is included in the ticket price. Additional
tickets may be purchased subject to availability.

We recommend that people arrive the day or night before in order to be able to join the start of the
tour early on Saturday morning. There will be an informal late evening dinner and drinks organised on
the evening of 13 September.

We recommend that you book your accommodation as soon as possible. Please find some hotels
recommendations on the Newcastle General Information sheet.

Further Information and Enquiries
Please contact us at