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AIA UK 2022 Design Awards Gala

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AIA UK 2022 Design Awards Gala

AIA UK 2022 Design Awards Gala

Conservatory, Barbican Centre, CREDIT Max Colson

We are excited to gather to recognise the winners of the AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards 2022!

When: Thursday 12 May 2022, 6.30-10:00pm
Where: Barbican Centre, Silk St, London EC2Y 8DS


Please join us at the Barbican for a drinks reception and the 2022 Excellence in Design Awards ceremony, where we will celebrate outstanding projects across three categories: Professional, Emerging Practice and Sustainability.

6:30pm: Welcome Reception in the Conservatory Terrace
8:00pm: Awards Ceremony will commence in Auditorium 2
9:00pm – 10:00pm: Awards Reception continues in the Conservatory Terrace

CES: 1 LU available for AIA Members for a Building Tour of the Grade II-listed building designed by Chamberlin, Powell and Bon. Places are limited.

This event is generously sponsored by Iris Ceramica Group. Please consider them for your next project. Further information at: