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AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference - New Beginnings: Embracing Change

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AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference - New Beginnings: Embracing Change

AIAISC ‘22 - AIA International Spring Conference
New Beginnings: Embracing Change
May 19 - 21 2022

When: Thursday 19 May 2022 - Saturday 21 May 2022.
Cost: Free of charge for all

Event Description

AIA International’s Spring Conference returns. Our aim is to energise our global audience with a program that engages with the turbulent world around us and questions where we are going next. This year’s theme asks, how do architects position themselves to embrace change? What trends can we identify that will shape the future of architecture and the built environment? What new technologies or new ways of working will come to the fore? Join us to debate how we can design the future.

This 3-day virtual conference will bring you lectures, panel discussions, building tours and more from around the world, all underscored by the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence. Conference sessions will be hosted by the 7 International Chapters in Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, the Middle East, Shanghai, and the United Kingdom, as well as by some of our many Country Representatives around the world!


Watch ALL conference sessions on demand for FREE!