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AIA Intl Emerging Professionals - Mentorship: Finding Inspiration

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AIA Intl Emerging Professionals - Mentorship: Finding Inspiration

AIA Intl Emerging Professionals - Mentorship: Finding Inspiration

When: Thursday 18 August 2022, 13.00 (UK time)/ 08:00 (Eastern US time)
Where: Online via Zoom

Speaker - Yiselle Santos Rivera, Principal and Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, HKS


For this month’s AIA International Mentorship Program event, we are excited to welcome Yiselle Santos Rivera of HKS to speak to us about Finding Inspiration.

Yiselle Santos Rivera, AIA, NOMA, LSSYB, WELL AP, LEED AP, is a Principal and the Global Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion at HKS, Inc. Yiselle seeks to dismantle barriers, bring visibility and voice to underrepresented designers, and create equitable practices through inclusive workplace strategies. 

As an architect and medical planner, Yiselle amplifies the voices of marginalized communities encouraging processes of co-creation and designing spaces that provide equitable access to care. She also serves as advisor to firm leaders and clients as they begin their journeys to build more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizations. During her tenure as Associate Representative on the AIA National Board of Directors, she served as member of the AIA COVID-19 Health Impact Task Force and led the creation of the Ethnical Diverse Additional Considerations section of the AIA Alternative Care Site Preparedness Assessment Tool V2.0.

As always, this event is an open session.  Please share the invite with those you think would be interested in joining us.

If you have any questions, please contact: Michelle Montgomery, AIA International EP Co-Chair, at


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