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AIA UK & NCARB - Licensure & Reciprocity in the United States

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AIA UK & NCARB - Licensure & Reciprocity in the United States

AIA UK & NCARB - Licensure & Reciprocity in the United States

When: Thursday 4 August 2022, 18.00-19:30pm BST/ 13:00-14:30 Eastern US time
Where: Online via Zoom


The AIA UK is pleased to announce an NCARB-led webinar focusing on paths to architectural licensure in the United States. Topics will cover the three core components of this process - education, experience (AXP), and examination (ARE), and how these may be completed abroad.

Please also join to hear insights on the exciting new NCARB-ARB reciprocity agreement!

The webinar will be relevant to the following groups of individuals:

  • Degree candidates for USA architectural registration based in the USA, UK, or abroad who may or may not be interested in registering in the UK

  • Degree candidates for UK architectural registration based in the USA, UK, or abroad who are interested in registering in the USA

  • US-licensed architects interested in registering in the UK via reciprocity

  • UK-licensed architects interested in registering in the USA via reciprocity

  • Any foreign-licensed architects or degree candidates interested in registering in the USA

The AIA UK is pleased to present the following speakers:

Harry M. Falconer, Jr., FAIA, NCARB, HonD, Hon. FCARM (Vice President, Experience + Education, NCARB). As Vice President, Experience + Education, Harry Falconer leads the department to provide professional support for the Architectural Experience Program ® (AXP™) as well as NCARB’s education-related programs including the NCARB Education Standard, Scholars in Professional Practice, Education Alternative for Certification, Foreign Architect Certification programs, and continuing education initiatives. He is responsible for administration of the Council’s outreach initiative to schools, professional conferences, and firms; and management of the Architect Licensing Advisors Community program. Falconer also leads the development and management of the Council’s international mutual recognition arrangements and relations. Falconer’s career in architecture includes over 22 years in practice prior to joining NCARB’s team.

Patricia Ramallo, AIA, NCARB, CAE, LEED AP BD+C & HOMES (Assistant Vice President, Innovation, NCARB). Patricia Ramallo started working at the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) in 2015 as part of the Experience + Education team. In her current role as Assistant Vice President of Innovation, she leads the design and implementation of innovative strategies throughout the Council, supports transformational initiatives, and advances international relations efforts. Before joining NCARB, Patricia dedicated 14 years to the architecture field, fulfilling various design, management, and construction administration functions.

Emma Matthews, Director of Governance and International, Architects Registration Board. Emma Matthews started working at ARB as part of the Qualifications team in 1998.  In her current role as ARB’s Director of Governance and International, she leads on Board and Committee governance as well as on the development of ARB’s new international routes to registration and the associated mutual recognition agreements with partner organisations.  Prior to this, Emma was ARB’s Director of Professional Qualifications which involved leading the team responsible for accrediting qualifications in architecture at ARB.

Rob Wilson, International Manager, Architects Registration Board

This is an event you won’t want to miss!