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Transforming Architectural Visualization: Mixed Reality at KPF and Arkio in Action

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Transforming Architectural Visualization: Mixed Reality at KPF and Arkio in Action

Transforming Architectural Visualization: Mixed Reality at KPF and Arkio in Action

Join us for an interactive event where we will be diving into Mixed Reality for architectural visualisation!

When: Thursday 27 February 2025, 18:30
Where: Kohn Pedersen Fox, 7a Langley St, London WC2H 9JA
CES Credits: Estimated 1.5 LUs for AIA Members

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.


We invite you to KPF London for an exciting, hands-on event exploring how Mixed Reality (MR) is transforming architectural design and visualization. Dive into the innovative MR workflows used by KPF to enhance collaboration, precision, and creativity in the design process.

Led by Anna Mytcul, a visualization specialist at KPF, this event will demonstrate how MR tools are seamlessly integrated into architectural workflows to create immersive experiences for clients and stakeholders.

As a highlight, we are thrilled to welcome a special guest presentation and live demonstration by Johan Hanegraaf, one of the co-founders of Arkio. Discover the capabilities of the Arkio app—a groundbreaking MR tool designed to ideate, review, and present designs in the real world at full scale—and experience firsthand how it is shaping the future of the built environment.

 Attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore how MR is being used in real-world design workflows.

  • Participate in a live demo of the Arkio app.

  • Engage in an interactive Q&A session.

  • Try out VR/MR tools themselves for a hands-on experience.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to step into the world of Mixed Reality and see how technology is redefining architecture and design.

£2 - Members
£7 - Non-Members

Spaces are limited. Book your tickets today!