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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2025 - Young V&A by De Matos Ryan and AOC Architecture

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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2025 - Young V&A by De Matos Ryan and AOC Architecture

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2025 - Young V&A by De Matos Ryan and AOC Architecture

Photo Credit: David Parry

AIA UK’s Building Tours once again take a look inside the exceptional projects which were recognised at last year’s AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards. To start the series, we are excited to take you on a tour of Young V&A by De Matos Ryan and AOC Architecture, a winner in the Professional - Medium Projects category.

When: Thursday 13 March 2025, 18.00
Where: Young V&A, Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PA
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/HSW for AIA Members

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.


Jose Esteves de Matos, De Matos Ryan

Gill Lambert, AOC Architecture


The Museum of Childhood was transformed to create Young V&A, the UK's first museum built with and for young people. Designed to foster creative curiosity and confidence in the next generation, it is the most significant intervention in the Grade II* listed building’s 151-year history. Young V&A encompasses three new galleries filled with 2,000 objects and hands-on activities bringing them to life. It also includes a suite of larger, better equipped workshop and learning spaces, a 515m² major exhibition temporary gallery, new shop and café, with improved lift and ramp provisions, a quiet space and a changing places facility. The team worked with children, families, teachers, curators and staff to co-design proposals, co-curate the collection and co-produce content. Co-creation defined its development; from the ambition to create ‘the most joyful museum in the world’ to the colour palette. AOC architecture reimagined the visitor experience and created new permanent galleries; De Matos Ryan refurbished the building, restructuring the museum spatial layout and visitor flow, including all learning and museum operational spaces.

Registration is FREE but spaces are limited. Sign up today!