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AIAISC'25 - AIA International Spring Conference: Trailblazing Architecture

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AIAISC'25 - AIA International Spring Conference: Trailblazing Architecture

AIAISC’25 - AIA International Spring Conference
Trailblazing Architecture
March 20-22, 2025

When: Thursday 20 March - Saturday 22 March 2025
Total CES: Estimated 15 LUs for AIA Members

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.

Event Description

This year we are exploring the theme of Trailblazing Architecture.

Architecture continues to push boundaries, redefine expectations, and inspire through innovation. Trailblazing Architecture highlights the groundbreaking ideas, transformative technologies, and pioneering approaches shaping the future of our built environment.

From sustainable design solutions to adaptive reuse, and from advanced technologies to equity-driven practices, architects are leading the way in addressing complex global challenges. This conference aims to spotlight the diverse ways professionals worldwide are reshaping our industry, imagining new possibilities, and influencing a brighter future for all.

We eagerly anticipate a global conversation on how architects are embracing bold strategies to redefine the limits of design and construction!

This 3-day virtual conference will bring you lectures, panel discussions, building tours and more from around the world. Conference sessions will be hosted by the 7 International Chapters in Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, the Middle East, Shanghai, and the UK, the International Sections in Southeast Asia, Taipei and Latin America, and more of our members worldwide!

Attendance is open to all, whether you are an AIA member or not. Sessions will be available on demand following the conference day. AIA members can receive CES credits for participating live, or for watching on demand.