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AIA UK Movie Night: Green Over Gray

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AIA UK Movie Night: Green Over Gray

AIA UK Movie Night: Green Over Gray

Next up in our popular Movie Night series - a documentary that explores the green architecture revolution through four projects designed by Emilio Ambasz.

Date: Tuesday 18 March 2025
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Venue: BFI Screening Room, 21 Stephen Street, London, W1T 1LN

CES Credits: Estimated 1.5 LUs for AIA Members


Emilio Ambasz, born in Argentina in 1943, is an architect and industrial designer who also served as a curator and has written several books on architecture and design. Although influential in every field he has touched, these days Ambasz is being recognized as an early proponent for green architecture, of an ecological approach to architecture and design. 

Green Over Gray takes a broad look at green architecture by focusing on four of Ambasz's buildings, one per decade from the 1970s to the 2000s: the Casa de Retiro Espiritual (1975), the Lucille Halsell Conservatory at San Antonio Botanical Garden (1982), the ACROS Building (1990), and the Ospedale dell’Angelo (2008). (Links point to the projects on the newly launched Emilio Ambasz Virtual Museum website.)

“Every building is an intrusion into the plant kingdom and is a challenge to nature: we must devise an architecture that stands as the embodiment of a covenant of reconciliation between nature and construction, designing buildings so intrinsically connected to the surrounding environment that they cannot be separated from each other.”

-Emilio Ambasz

£3 - Members
£5 - Non-Members

Spaces are limited. Book your tickets today!