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The AIA UK Chapter’s Annual General Meeting

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK Chapter’s Annual General Meeting was held on 13 January, at Herman Miller’s Showroom. Once again, our members were treated to a generous spread of food and drinks courtesy of Herman Miller. They also introduced us to their on-going research into how to keep employees happy at work. These include the fundamental desires of employees including “Achievement, Security, Purpose, Status, Autonomy and Belonging”. These are true for any type of office, but I personally feel they are particularly true for creative fields, such as our own.

Our 2015 AIA UK President, Brianne Hamilton, recapped the year with a presentation highlighting events, photos and memories from our time together. It was a great year, and we look forward to another ahead.

At the end of the evening, the membership nominated and elected the Board of Directors which now include:

At Large:

  • Justin Cratty, AIA
  • Mark Kelly, Assoc. AIA 
  • Chris Kimball, AIA
  • Lester Korzilius, AIA, RIBA
  • Michael Lischer, FAIA
  • Alex Miller, AIA
  • Chris Musangi, AIA
  • Amrita Raja, Assoc. AIA
  • Robert Rhodes, AIA
  • Bea Sennewald, AIA, RIBA
  • Fariba Shirdel, AIA
  • Ecehan Esra Top, Int'l Asoc. AIA


  • Etain Fitzpatrick, AIA
  • Brianne Hamilton, AIA
  • Maria Soloviena, AIA
  • Elizabeth Waters, AIA

The executive positions were elected as follows:

  • President: Frederick Grier, AIA
  • Vice President: Fatos Peja, Int’l Assoc. AIA, RIBA
  • Secretary: Lorraine King, AIA
  • Treasurer: Anna Foden, Assoc. AIA
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