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AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards - Call For Entries Announced


AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards - Call For Entries Announced

Fiona Mckay

For over 20 years, The American Institute of Architects UK Chapter Excellence in Design Awards programme has proven highly valued by architects as they confer trans-Atlantic recognition for design excellence.

Professional entries are sought from architects, industrial designers, urban planners, landscape architects and interior designers based in Britain, and from around the world for completed projects in the UK.

In past years, this broad mix has resulted in winning projects from, among others, Haworth Tompkins, David Chipperfield Architects, Sauerbruch Hutton, Rick Mather Architects, Zaha Hadid Architects, Ian Simpson Architects, Wilkinson Eyre Architects, Edwin Cullinan, Allies & Morrison Architects, Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners, Grimshaw Architects, Eric Parry Architects and Eva Jiricna Architects.

Starting in 2015, the programme opened a Young Architect category, with design directors under 40 years-of-age, to encourage and reward work by a new generation of architects.

In parallel with the Professional and Young Architect awards, the chapter also recognises future talent through the Noel Hill Student Travel Award. With the generous support of Laufen, each year this program awards each applicant with a travel grant of £1000. 

The winners will be announced at the Awards Gala on Monday 18th April, held this year at the Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Please see here for more details on how to enter.

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