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Excellence in Design Awards Gala 2016

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK Chapter hosted the Excellence in Design Awards Gala 2016 on 18 April 2016 at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London. The impressive elegance of the Nash & Brand Rooms provided a warm and welcoming reception to the guests who arrived from different parts of the world to celebrate creativity, design and architecture.

The AIA UK sets an open awards platform in order to minimise restrictions and provide more opportunities for architects and designers to submit their projects. This year the AIA UK set 3 categories (Student, Young Architect and Professional) to balance the competition so younger architects do not compete with larger, long-established firms.

The jury's review process involved a full day of long, ardent debate over the anonymous submissions, clearly indicating the high quality of the submissions received, and confirming evidence that the UK is a leading centre for innovation and design. As an outcome, the jury decided to award three commendations for the Professional category.

Frederick Grier, President of the AIA UK, paid tribute to the late Dame Zaha Hadid, sharing the highlights of her involvement with the AIA UK chapter from inception both as a juror and as an award winner, in addition to her involvement in other AIA UK events.

The members of the jury included: Armstrong Yakubu, Charlotte Skene Catling, Michel Mossessian, Alex Lifschutz, Amy Frearson, Frederick Grier and Adrian Evans. On the evening, the jury was represented by Amy Frearson who announced the winners by elaborating on the jury comments for each winning project.

The 2016 AIA UK Excellence in Design winners:

Noel Hill Student Travel Award       
Tonderai Prince Maboreke - Ravensbourne University
Southbank Pavilion

Young Architect
Merrett Houmøller Architects - Analogue Boathouse

© Alan Williams

© Alan Williams

Professional Commendation
John McAslan + Partners - Sacred Heart Cathedral of Kericho

© Edmund Sumner, Sumner Partnership Ltd.

© Edmund Sumner, Sumner Partnership Ltd.

Professional Commendation

Allies and Morrison - Rambert

© Allies& Morrison

© Allies& Morrison

Professional Commendation

Duggan Morris Architects - Richmond Adult Community College

© Mark Hadden

© Mark Hadden

Professional Award Winner

Zaha Hadid Architects - Messner Mountain Museum

© Werner Huthmacher

© Werner Huthmacher

The 2016 AIA UK Jury:

  • Armstrong Yakubu - Foster & Partners
  • Charlotte Skene Catling       - Skene Catling de la Pena
  • Michel Mossessian - Mossessian Architecture
  • Alex Lifschutz - Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands  
  • Amy Fearson - Dezeen
  • Frederick Grier - UHA London - AIA UK President
  • Adrian Evans - Huddersfield University
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