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AIA UK Membership Reaches 230

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK continues to grow and reached a new high of 230 members in August! The Board of Directors would like to welcome the following 30 people that joined so far in 2016. We look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming event!

  • Keith Cady AIA
  • Yi-han Cao AIA
  • Samantha Cooke AIA
  • Andrew Court Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Ozlem Tugba Ergen Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Carolina Filippini Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Paul Fincken Prof. Aff, AIA
  • Saumya Ganguli AIA
  • Karen Hassey AIA
  • Kevin Hayes AIA
  • Ashraf Ismail Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Eric Kirwan Prof. Aff, AIA
  • Dragan Krstevski Assoc. AIA
  • Benjamin Lee AIA
  • Dong Min Lee Assoc. AIA
  • Ting Li Assoc. AIA
  • Patrick Magness AIA
  • Wai Sem Morris Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Takeshi Obata AIA
  • James O'Callaghan Prof. Aff, AIA
  • Jose Marcos Silva Casimiro Palma AIA
  • Sara Pearce Prof. Aff, AIA
  • Nicole W. Portieri Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Anna Reiter Assoc. AIA
  • Frederick Shands Assoc. AIA
  • Lucy Swift Other
  • Natalie Ward AIA
  • Lulu Yang Assoc. AIA
  • Madani Y. Zakri Int'l Assoc, AIA
  • Thomas Zapoticzny AIA


By: M. Lischer FAIA

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