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AIA UK Co-Sponsors Large Firm Roundtable

Fiona Mckay

In association with chapter sponsor, Beale & Company, a meeting of representatives from a number of large firms took place on Friday, the 2nd of November.   Beale hosted the event at their offices in the City.  The purpose of the Roundtable was to facilitate discussion on subjects of common interest to large firms practicing in the UK.  The attendance was very good with 26 people participating.  Among the firms represented were; AHMM, Rafael Vinoly, Zaha Hadid, Calison RTKL, Jestico & Whiles, and Gensler.  The AIA UK was represented by President Fatos Peja, Deborah Bartlett, and Michael Lischer.  James Hutchinson from Beale chaired the discussion and kept the pace lively.

The agenda items included;  getting paid, the trend for contracts to put more liability on the architect, professional indemnity issues post Grenfell Tower, succession planning, and Brexit.   These topics generated some very interesting discussion and was an opportunity for participants to share their experiences in an open and congenial setting.  After the formal roundtable, most participants reconvened at a nearby pub where Beale provided drinks and nibbles.

The Roundtable was very productive and the feedback from the participants has all been very positive.  One attendee stated, "it's nice to know we are not alone"!  Thanks to Beale & Co. for their hospitality and organization of the event! 

Written by: Michael Lischer, FAIA





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