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Member News: The Long Road to Wembley……

Fiona Mckay

This article has been written as part of the AIA Newsletter’s commitment to up-to-date member news.  If you are aware of UK Chapter members’ involvement in other newsworthy projects or events, please bring them to our attention via a “comment” follow up note at the end of this article and we will endeavour to publish further feature articles.

It all started way back on 15 Nov 2016 when the AIA UK Chapter held its first – of many it is hoped? – Pub Quiz Night, hosted by our generous sponsor, Armstrong. See Newsletter 80 HERE.

On the night, the competition was fierce and the disappointment at losing out to bigger, stronger (and younger) teams was bitterly felt by the coalition of Deborah Bartlett, Int’l Assoc; Lorraine King, AIA and Michael Lischer, FAIA. This veteran team had - after all - clearly “won” that Quiz section based on architectural expertise, but there was no award for such limited and specialist knowledge.  (See evidence of sectional victory below.  Could you have done better?  Is there anyone out there aware that Los Angeles actually now has a skyline?)  

‘Best in Quiz’ for Picture Round

‘Best in Quiz’ for Picture Round

However, other teams were simply far better at those tricky, general knowledge questions and the Bartlett, Lischer, King Team did not even end up with an honorary mention.  (We all know about the Apollo moon landings and the famous line “The Eagle has landed,” so is there any point in knowing the exact wording of the first lunar landing quote??? Most of the other participants were not even born at the time…)

However, the slight – very slight – air of disgruntlement at losing out so badly to other teams was soon dispelled when Bartlett, Lischer and King hit the jackpot at Armstrong’s generous follow up Raffle.  The two winning tickets where held by none other than - Deborah and Lorraine!  It eventually turned out that the prizes were two top-rate tickets for an England World Cup qualifying match against Lithuania at Wembley Stadium.

Opening events at Wembley.  Photo: Michael Lischer, FAIA

Opening events at Wembley.  Photo: Michael Lischer, FAIA

On sober reflection the next morning, both Deborah and Lorraine – with admirable self awareness – decided that others might actually enjoy a football match together more than they would.  Who better to give their tickets to than teammate Michael Lischer and fellow participant Robert Rhodes AIA?

On the 26th of March, Robert and Michael were finally treated to the thrilling Lithuania v England match.  The Lithuanian team put up a strong defence, but were ultimately unsuccessful.  Goals by Jermaine Defoe and substitute Jamie Vardy clinched the 2-0 victory for England.  Michael and Robert enjoyed a great evening with the Armstrong host Phillip Pabst, but at this late date cannot quite remember any further pertinent details!  

Thanks to Armstrong for their continued support of the AIA UK Chapter and their generosity to its members. Another Pub Quiz Night has now been confirmed for 8 Nov 2017.  Be prepared!

Written by: Lorraine King, AIA (with support from Michael Lischer, FAIA)

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