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AIA International Region Conference

Fiona Mckay


The AIA International Region (AIA IR) held its 4th annual conference in Singapore from November 2-4.  The conference was sold-out, and 19 countries were represented in attendance.  Singapore based IR members Yew Kee Cheong and Manon Koestoer led the organisational effort.  Highlights included superb lectures by local/regional based architects including SCDA/Soo Chan, WOHA, and Indonesian based Isandra Matin Ahmad, and Ken Yeang, as well as North American imports including KPF’s Jamie von Klemperer, FAIA (currently designing the Singapore airport expansion), and resiliency guru Illya Azaroff, AIA.  Building tours included the National Gallery, Gardens by the Bay (designed by UK based WilkinsonEyre), SCDA’s superb Dawson estate, and Henderson Waves (RSP Architects).

The AIA IR 2018 Design Awards were presented at the gala dinner, held at the IM Pei designed Swissotel.  Many of the award winners from around the globe were in attendance and spoke about their projects – a magical evening!

Future IR conferences will be in Shanghai (2019), Dubai (2020), and London (2021). Mark your calendars now!

Written by: Lester Korzilius, FAIA

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