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‘NCARB and You – Licensure and Architectural Practice in the USA’

Benjamin Lee, AIA


On 3 Oct 2017, AIA UK hosted a talk entitled ‘NCARB and You – Licensure and Architectural Practice in the USA’ at the Desso Gallery in Clerkenwell with distinguished speakers Michael Armstrong, Gregory Erny and Stephen Nutt from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). Topics included the role of NCARB, the 3 major components (Education, Experience and Examination) to achieve licensure, and some of the latest programs introduced by NCARB to make attaining the Education and Experience requirements easier.   Particular emphasis was given on ways non-US education or work experience could be accommodated.

There was also a recap on the most current requirements for the Architect Registration Exam (ARE), including how to optimize completion of the ARE in as few exams as possible under the Transition Plan, which is a mix of exam divisions under the expiring ARE 4.0 and the current ARE 5.0 exam system.

Turnout was extremely positive, with many UK and European architects and those interested in pursuing a career in architecture attending.  Several members of the RIBA engaged in an informal, but useful Q&A debate at the end of the session. The AIAUK also reminded the audience and members that the Chapter supports those who are undergoing the US licensure process and that various study materials are available for loan on request.

For more information on the AIA UK Chapter’s initiatives for Emerging Professionals, the ARE and the licensure process, please contact the AIA Chapter Executive, who will put you in touch with Ben Lee and/or Katharine Storr, who head the Emerging Professionals initiative.  Please look on our website for upcoming mentoring events.

Written by: Benjamin Lee, AIA

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