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AIA UK X Armstrong Architecture Pub Quiz

Bea Sennewald, AIA


Do you know the difference between a morel and a morello? Or where you would find an architrave? Or even which body part is missing on a Manx cat? If you do, you might have won AIA UK’s pub quiz last November.

Six teams were battling for points through four tough rounds of questions helped by the odd sip of beer or wine. Bea and Laura belted out the questions cruelly, without the least hint or clue, no wonder everyone was scratching their heads and breathing hard. In the end the Boffins – who else – took first prize – a bottle of champagne. It was a terrific evening, the second annual pub quiz organised together with our sponsor Armstrong UK. As a surprise Armstrong drew lots for a special consolation prize – tickets to a Six-Nations Rugby Game. Make sure you don’t miss the quiz this year.

Written by: Bea Sennewald, AIA

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