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AIA UK Members Attend Conference at Olympic Museum

Fiona Mckay

On the 6th of September the AIA International Region and Dow jointly hosted EXCELLENCE: DESIGNING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE.  The one-day conference took place at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland.

AIA UK Chapter members Lester Korzilius, FAIA, Dan Smith, AIA, and Michael Lischer, FAIA attended.  Topics that were discussed included; Design Excellence for a Sustainable Future, Can Sport Help Create a Low Carbon Future, and the Science of Sustainability in the Built Environment. 

Michael Lischer presented a paper that described the sustainability program for the London 2012 Olympic Games.  Kim Nielsen, a partner at Danish architectural practice 3XN, made a presentation on the design of the new headquarters building for the International Olympic Committee (IOC).  After the formal presentations concluded, attendees toured the new IOC Headquarters building.

L to R: Christine Bruckner, FAIA, Past President International Region, Michael Lischer, FAIA, Lester Korzilius, FAIA

L to R: Christine Bruckner, FAIA, Past President International Region, Michael Lischer, FAIA, Lester Korzilius, FAIA

IOC Headquarters

IOC Headquarters

IOC Interior

IOC Interior

Written by: Michael Lischer, FAIA

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