'Sleek and modern' or 'wonky and industrial': A reminder of an architect's duties — AIA UK

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'Sleek and modern' or 'wonky and industrial': A reminder of an architect's duties

Fiona Mckay


This is another article in our legal series provided by AIA UK partner, Beale & Co.

A recent decision in the English Technology and Construction Court has found that an architect was A recent decision in the English Technology and Construction Court has found that an architect was negligent for altering the design of a cinema room without first informing or agreeing the changes with his clients.

Although it is a fact specific case, it provides useful guidance on the duties and obligations that the court expects an architect to meet. This includes the importance of a formal appointment, clear and accurate record keeping and ensuring that architects have finalised written briefs prior to commencing work on a project, as well as complying with the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct and the ARB Code of Conduct.

Nathan Modell and Priya Thakrar provide more detail in their article here.

Written by: Nathan Modell and Priya Thakrar

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