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You can check out, but can you ever leave…?

Fiona Mckay

Ex Chapter Presidents Lorraine King, AIA, Michael Lischer FAIA, and Lester Korsilius, FAIA, meet up in August for a short get together with Josye Utick, AIA - past Vice President (2009).


Although Josye returned to the US before she could take up her presidency, she left the Chapter a legacy in her strong commitment to modern graphics and communications, being – arguably – the first to take the Website and Newsletter seriously as communication tools, as well as being an active, innovative event organiser.   We have come – we hope – a long way since her tenure – but she was a prime moderniser.  

Josye currently works in Hartford, Connecticut with an ‘international hospitality’ focus, but there is a slight possibility – perhaps at this stage only a desire -  that she could return to the UK. We await developments. 

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