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Women in Architecture: Self-Development and Career Advancement for Mid-Level Professionals

Fiona Mckay


Executive Coach, Karen Fugle has published a new report, ‘Women in Architecture: Self-Development and Career Advancement for Mid-Level Professionals.’

As we fast approach the end of 2020, we are delighted to bring you news from Executive Coach Karen Fugle, our expert on resilience and the art of building professional relationships.

The free report is available now in PDF format, featuring a foreword by Anna Schabel (chair of Women in Architecture). Downloadable from Karen’s website.

How satisfied are mid-level female architects with the speed and path of their career growth? How do they work on self-development, training, and opportunities for promotion? How do they perceive their growth alongside that of their male peers? These questions and more are assessed and analysed in the report.

The report deals with some very essential aspects of women’s mid-level careers: What can I, as an individual, do to bring my career to a new level? We hope that Karen’s new report empowers readers to use their own skills to create progress for themselves.

A form for anonymous feedback can be found here.

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