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Free Registration for 2020 AIA National Convention

Fiona Mckay


New AIA members receive complimentary registration to A’20, the AIA Conference on Architecture 2020 from May 14-16, 2020 in Los Angeles.

Offer is valid for first-time architect, associate, and international associate members who join AIA June 9, 2019 through May 16, 2020 and former members whose memberships have lapsed for five years or more who rejoin AIA June 9, 2019 through May 16, 2020. 

Former members whose memberships lapsed for four years or less, local and national allied or affiliate members, and associate members who change status to architect membership are not eligible for this offer. 

This offer is not transferable and is a one-time offer. This offer is not related to any other local or state AIA component recruitment, dues, or assessment requirements. Membership dues must be active to receive free conference registration.

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