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Webinar: COVID-19: Mitigating Impacts on Construction Projects

Fiona Mckay


COVID-19 and measures taken to contain its spread have by now impacted all businesses in the UK and worldwide.

As the crisis worsens the construction sector is likely to be amongst the hardest hit. There remains uncertainty over whether construction sites are permitted to operate in light of the Government’s unprecedented restriction on people’s movements announced on 23 March 2020 and later comments tweeted by the Communities and Housing Secretary suggesting sites can stay open where they can operate safely.

In this webinar recorded on the 31st of March 2020, Will Buckby, Partner and Nadir Hasan, Associate, consider the impact that the disease is likely to have on businesses and on live projects, and provide a basic rundown of the rights and remedies that contractors and consultants are likely to have (under bespoke and all major standard-form contracts and appointments), and the steps that they should take to safeguard their positions (both contractually and from a practical perspective).

To discuss any of the issues raised in this webinar please contact Will Buckby on or Nadir Hasan on Alternatively, please call +44 (0) 20 7469 0400.

Please click here for a copy of the slides.

Please click here to access the webinar.

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