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AIA Film Challenge

Fiona Mckay


AIA Film Challenge 2020 is open!

Design has the power to solve some of the biggest issues facing cities today. We believe these stories are among the most important stories we can tell. The AIA Film Challenge is a film contest that amplifies these stories—architects partnering with communities and civic leaders to design a healthy, sustainable, just world that improves lives. 

The challenge is open to everyone. Use your smartphone or computer to produce a 60- to 90-second mini documentary. You could win up to $7,000! Learn more from AIA Film Challenge website.

Important dates

  • Films due: August 24

  • Public voting: August 31-October 4

  • Winners announced: late October

Sample video

Check out this 90-second sample video from Dan Hart, FAIA, to see how it’s done.

Register from here

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