Free Live Courses on AIAU this September
Fiona Mckay
Live Course: Holistic Firm Management: Operational Insights in Service Toward a Work-Life Balance
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be defined and implemented to guide you toward both professional and personal success. If you can’t measure it, you can’t track it, and you won’t know how to improve it. This fast-paced session will share with you the KPIs that reflect your progress and guide your future for these six essential components of every successful firm:
Strategic planning
Human resources
Business development and marketing
Architectural deliverables
Operational and financial systems
Work/life balance
As managing partners of their respective firms, both presenters have deep experience, understanding, and respect for culture, structure, discipline, data, and technology that are crucial in order for firms to remain competitive and profitable.
Date: September 23, 2020 at 12 PM EDT.
To Register, click here.
Live Course: Guidance from the Front Line of COVID-19 Care
This course presents the results of a study conducted with front line COVID-19 healthcare providers and subject matter experts in emergency medicine, intensive care, anesthesia, infection control, hospital operations, virology and research-based design. New design guidance for health care facilities was developed by translating input from clinician interviews and current literature that reveal urgent and essential adaptations to healthcare settings in order to reduce the risk of transmission to care providers, staff, patients, and visitors. The results are summarized in a checklist of design considerations and solutions that may be applied in a myriad of healthcare \and built settings. The value of translating subject matter expertise is clear as it supports informed decision making in response to the unique challenges of the novel coronavirus.
Date: September 22, 3:00pm EDT
To Register, click here