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MEMBER NEWS / Who Plans Our Events and Conferences? Are You Up for 2022?

Fiona Mckay

Etain Fitzpatrick (on the right) at the Cambridge 2012 City Excursion. Image by: Robert Rhodes AIA, past president.

Etain Fitzpatrick (on the right) at the Cambridge 2012 City Excursion. Image by: Robert Rhodes AIA, past president.

Do you remember when AIA UK used to organise away day Saturday Events and balmy, late summer City Excursions replete with copious Continuing Education credits?  Do you remember when we used to have balmy summers?  It wasn’t – in fact – ALL that long ago…

Etain Fitzpatrick AIA, past UK Chapter President (see HERE), and a fellow guest enjoy a leisurely punting trip during our Cambridge 2012 City Excursion.  We have had plenty of other successful Excursions since then – Bath (2013), Lille (2015), Liverpool (2016), Dublin (2017) and Newcastle (2018) – so why does this feel like a photo from another planet?

Etain – one of the Chapter’s premier event planners (See Dublin HERE) - was finalising plans for a  2020 City Excursion to Cork when the Covid pandemic put paid to international travel.  She would like to have resurrected the Excursion for 2021, but it was a forlorn hope.  Still – Etain expects a future convenient date to be found for what looks like one of the best City Excursions ever.  Such events will happen eventually as assuredly as the sun will shine again … just don’t hold your breath too long.

In the meantime, Etain is currently co-chairing the PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR THE 2022 AIA UK / LONDON CONFERENCE, being co-sponsored by the International Region and the Continental Europe Chapter.  This major event – for which well over a hundred international architects are expected to attend – is in its early planning stages.  Active proposals for  2 of the 3 conference days already promise exciting opportunities, but there are still plenty lectures, tours, etc., to initiate as well as the essential venues, menus, graphics, maps, pre/post conference events, etc., to organise. 

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Etain’s fellow PLANNING COMMITTEE co-chair is Wade Scaramucci AIA, Director at AHMM (see HERE), Wade Scaramucci – Directors – People – Allford Hall Monaghan Morris | AHMM who re-joined the AIA UK Board in 2021 after several years of separation.  One of his principal achievements in his earlier tenure was establishing the original format for the Chapter’s continuing, ever successful building tours.  His recent design projects at Hawley Wharf and Hawley School will provide a dramatic backdrop for 1 of the conference days.  

Etain and Wade are supported by other UK and CE Chapter members on the PLANNING COMMITTEE who bring a wealth of event organisation experience to the team. 

The answer to our title question ‘Who is Up for 2022?’ is of course – ‘Any volunteer who wants to help’. To pull off such a major event, the Chapter Board needs help with ideas, feedback, advice, and organizational skills.  It is hard work, but it can be fun, and it offers a golden opportunity to contribute to a successful Conference. 

Any AIA UK member can volunteer to join the Committee.  Just contact and we will get back to you.

Written by: Lorraine King, AIA 

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