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Member News: Mouzhan Majidi FAIA

Fiona Mckay

This article has been written as part of the AIA Newsletter’s commitment to member news. If you are aware of UK Chapter members’ involvement in newsworthy projects, research or events, please bring them to our attention via and we will publish the story. Remember we will not know what has been achieved unless someone tells us!

Beijing Daxing International Airport. Photo Credit: ®Hufton + Crow, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

Beijing Daxing International Airport. Photo Credit: ®Hufton + Crow, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

For a relatively small AIA Chapter – as of January’s AGM, there are 235 members of which 182 are accredited professionals – AIA UK has a fair share of AIA fellows, including one of our newest members, Mouzhan Majidi, FAIA, RIBA, ARB, RIAS, AHKIA


Elevated to the AIA’s College of Fellows in 2021,  Majidi now enjoys the highest honour conferred on members for his exceptional work and contribution to architecture and society.  Only 3 percent of AIA Members overall hold this distinction.

Majidi – who transferred to London from the New York Chapter in October 2020 – was at Foster + Partners for 27 years, becoming CEO in 2007.  He joined Zaha Hadid Architects as CEO in 2015.  During his career, he has won over 250 international awards and 80 design competitions.

His particular expertise is in the development of airports, beginning in 1987 with Stansted and more recently with Beijing Daxing and Western Sydney.  Each airport has set ‘new standards for global aviation, becoming more energy efficient, environmentally discreet, technologically advanced and simple to use’.

Beijing Daxing International Airport. Photo Credit: ®Hufton + Crow, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

Beijing Daxing International Airport. Photo Credit: ®Hufton + Crow, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

Western Sydney International Airport. Render Credit: ZHA-COX, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

Western Sydney International Airport. Render Credit: ZHA-COX, curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

ZHA attributes Majidi with ‘cultivating the skills and diversity that drives ZHA’s decision-making and enriches the built environments we create…he has worked to remove barriers that prevent everyone from realising their ambitions in architecture, establishing programmes that enable all talents to grow and progress regardless of gender, race, background or identity’. 

Discussions have started with Majidi about collaboration on future events with both the AIA UK Chapter and the International Region.

Majidi now takes his place alongside the AIA UK’s other AIA Fellows – David Leventhal and Lee Polisano - as well as past Chapter Presidents - James Baker, Lester Korzilius, Michael Lischer and Stephen Reinke. 

For further information on the specific requirements for applying to the AIA College of Fellows, please contact  

Written by: Lorraine King, AIA 

All images curtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

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