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2021 COTE Open Forum


2021 COTE Open Forum

Fiona Mckay

June 24, 2021 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm EDT - Virtual

AIA Committee on the Environment

Each year COTE gathers to talk about a few of the issues that architects are addressing in their practices, communities, and AIA components. In 2021, the COTE Open Forum will examine how pursuing climate action and climate justice are occurring in four realms of activity: advGAF Roofingocacy, commitments, electrification, and resilience.

Join us on June 24 (3:30-5pm EDT) for a lively discussion! We welcome AIA COTE members and any and all who work with them to advance climate action and climate justice in the building and placemaking field – owners, city officials, policymakers, engineers, planners, and others. Come for the interactive discussion and actionable takeaways.

This networking event is not eligible for AIA continuing education credit.

Register from the link here.

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