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The Crossroads of Design and Leadership

Fiona Mckay


When: Jun 30, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (ET)
Associated with Committee on Design

Register here

The Crossroads of Design and Leadership(1.5 LU)

The AIA Committee on Design, in collaboration with the Young Architects Forum, is proud to bring you an inspirational discussion that bridges the worlds of emerging professionals with the minds of some of the industry's most accomplished and revered Architects, representing the prism of small-to-large firms.  Through this discussion, we explore journeys, philosophies, and the career-defining achievements and collaborative approaches that continue to influence, nurture and shape the future leaders in architecture.

Learning Objectives:

  • Evaluate effective strategies that foster collaboration, innovation, and interchange of diverse perspectives between emerging professionals and seasoned practitioners in architecture.

  • Analyze and discuss creative philosophies that lead to an elevated design that is functional, safe, and aesthetic.

  • Incorporate professional practice methodologies that are conducive to the mentorship and career development of emerging professionals in architecture.

  • Through lessons learned, evaluate how emerging professionals in architecture may set strategic career milestones to develop presence, leadership, and authority in the architecture profession, both in traditional and non-traditional practice.


  1. Susan Chin, FAIA

  2. Curt Fentress, FAIA

  3. Ronette Riley, FAIA


  1. Alex Morales, Assoc. AIA

  2. Dr. Jason Takeuchi, AIA

Register here

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