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Creating a Sustainability Action Plan that works!

Fiona Mckay


A guide to creating a plan unique to your firm

For most companies, setting sustainability goals means reevaluating priorities, workflows, and strategies to better align with—and eventually achieve—those goals. To that end, 2030 Commitment signatories are asked to create a Sustainability Action Plan within six months of joining the program. The goal is to think through how your sustainability values and aspirations can translate into a comprehensive approach that transforms your company’s entire portfolio. This guide was created to help you develop—and ultimately implement—a Sustainability Action Plan, regardless of whether your firm is new to sustainability concepts or has decades of experience. While this document provides inspiration, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all Sustainability Action Plan. The best sustainability action plan is one that reflects and constantly evolves with your company’s goals and needs!

This document includes:

  • Key principles for effective change management at your firm

  • Suggested elements to consider for your Sustainability Action Plan

  • Excerpts from other 2030 Commitment signatory Sustainability Action Plans

  • Resources and worksheets that help you set goals and align with other programs, such as the Framework for Design Excellence

Download the guide from this LINK.

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