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Call for Submissions 2021 AIA Upjohn Research Initiative


Call for Submissions 2021 AIA Upjohn Research Initiative

Fiona Mckay

The AIA Upjohn Research Initiative supports applied research projects that enhance the value of design and professional practice knowledge. This AIA program funds up to six research grants of $15,000–$30,000 annually for projects completed in a 6-to 18-month period. The funds must be fully matched with hard dollars, with a maximum of 10% allocated for overhead. Grant recipients’ research findings and outcomes are published online by AIA. Grants are eligible to academic institutions, practice, and other research organizations.

2021 grants

Research should be relevant and applicable to practicing architects. Upjohn Research grant funding will be allocated to projects related to the priorities outlined in AIA's Climate Action Plan. These include a drive toward sustainable design that helps mitigate or adapt to climate change. More specifically, research projects must address one or more of these areas:

  • distributed energy and grid-integrated buildings

  • regenerative design (i.e., projects that lead to the improvement of the ecosystem, creating resilient and equitable systems)

  • circular building economy (e.g., materials market)

  • temporary and transitional housing models

  • improving equity through adaptation of spaces/ neighborhoods

  • water resilience & equity (e.g., equitable access to water systems, water system resilience, carbon impacts of water systems)

Submit an entry from this link.

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