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Business Opportunities & Sustainability Trends Amidst a Pandemic

Fiona Mckay

Pictured above: ‘Opportunities and challenges in 2021’ on page 16 and 17 of the Business Opportunities & Sustainability Trends Amidst a Pandemic research report showing data findings on the challenges architects face on existing building projects & quality resources, and gaps in knowledge and available resources on the subject.

This report in collaboration with Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope was developed to give a deeper insight into the impacts of the pandemic within the industry and help firms identify new business opportunities. This report also examines the impact of the pandemic on sustainable projects and the role architects play in sustainable design. This study is part of AIA’s commitment to support our members by providing economic and market research that helps them navigate challenging times. Within the report you'll discover trends such as:

  • How construction activity slowed in 2020 and how sectors were impacted differently.

  • How the pandemic accelerated a shift toward existing building work and what opportunities will be available for architects.

  • New challenges and support requirements that manufacturers and others can help meet.

  • Increased challenges architects are facing due to the pandemic.​

  • The ability to design sustainably and the impacts from the pandemic and recession.

  • The role architects take in educating clients about sustainability issues.

The report is available for free. See what opportunities are available for your firm.

Get your copy >

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