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AIA UK Members Attend Roca Gallery Opening

Fiona Mckay

Guests enjoy Roca Gallery’s hospitality among prominent displays of Zaha Hadid’s innovative designs.

On the 24 May 2022, the AIA UK Chapter sponsor Roca held a reception at their London Showroom to celebrate the opening of their major new exhibition entitled Everything Flows – Zaha Hadid Design Exhibition.  A large crowd of over 150 attendees, including a number of AIA UK members, had the opportunity to see key objects developed by Zaha Hadid Design over the last 15 years.

A wide variety of objects have been expertly displayed in the Roca Showroom Gallery, which was also designed by Zaha Hadid Architects.  Among the objects displayed were pioneering designs ranging from fashion and jewellery to home accessories, as well as furniture, carpets, and lighting.  The objects date back to the founding of the design practice in 2006 and are brought up to the present with a collection of elegant wooden furniture made with Japanese brand Karimoku.

As well as collaboration with Karimoku, Zaha Hadid worked with other design companies, including Lalique.

Cultural Programme Manager for Roca, Saoirse Walsh, says, “It has always felt like a deep privilege to work within the unique, organic spaces of our Zaha Hadid showroom.  Zaha Hadid Design is constantly pushing the boundaries of material and form and this exhibition will help reaffirm just how radical an innovator Zaha was and how her ideas and spirit live on through her practice.”

This important exhibition will be in place until the 22nd of December.  It is well worth a visit to Imperial Wharf, and our friends at Roca will be happy to see you and show you around their amazing showroom and gallery.  

Our short slide show includes more Zaha designs plus images of AIA UK attendees -  past presidents Stephen Reinke, Lorraine King and Michael Lischer; newer board members Celia Fiallos and Martin Varela Vivona; as well as long standing member Pierre Baillargeon. 

Written by Michael Lischer, FAIA

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