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RIDI Group UK Sponsors AIA UK

Fiona Mckay

The board of directors is pleased to announce the RIDI Group UK is joining the AIA UK as a corporate partner!  Established in Germany in 1952 and then established in the UK in 1993, RIDI Lighting is one of the major brands in European lighting. It has always had the reputation as a family-oriented company with a personal touch – and a value on personal service.  RIDI Group brands include RIDI, Spectral, and Ii:fy.  Recent projects in the UK include, 25 Berkeley Square, the new UCL Student Centre, and 1 Finsbury Avenue.  The Finsbury Avenue project, designed by AHMM, was the subject of a building tour earlier this year.

We are looking forward to learning more about the RIDI Group UK through technical lectures and building tours.  Please join us in welcoming the RIDI Group UK to the AIA UK! 

Check them out HERE

25 Berkeley Square, Photo by Marc Johnson

One Snowhill Plaza

St. Augustin, Coburg

1 Finsbury Avenue by AHMM, also pictured Atoll by Morag Myerscough

Photo by Marc Johnson

Spectral Product: Iris

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