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22CON: AIA International at the Chicago Convention

Fiona Mckay

In-person attendees of the AIA International Annual General Meeting in Chicago.

Alongside the main three day AIA National Conference on Architecture (A’22 Expo) held in Chicago in June, supplementary events were organized by AIA International, of which the AIA UK Chapter is a constituent. One such event was the AIA International Dinner Social on the evening of Thursday June 23. The social took place in River North at the Parlor Pizza Bar where AIA international architects convened to enjoy some Chicago-style (not deep dish!) wood-fired pizza. It was a great way to meet new people. Attendees arrived from all over the world – Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, and South America. Three members based in the United Kingdom were in attendance: Alex Miller, AIA, Genie Khmelnitski, and Adelina Koleva, AIA. 

The AIA International AGM was a hybrid event that took place the following day. I was one of the many Zoom audience members to tune in, as I was not able to make it in person due to work conflicts. AIA International, established in 2012, is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. Despite its young age, it is rapidly making gains. In addition to the seven international chapters, there are currently 20 countries with active AIA at-large directors. The future for global expansion was among the agenda items discussed at the meeting.  

The AIA International Design Awards took place at a luncheon following the AGM at McCormick Place. The celebration honoured winning projects from around the world that received commendations. A gallery exhibit of the winners was displayed on the A’22 Expo floor, honouring winners from 2019-2021.

Past AIA UK President and current AIA International Secretary Alex Miller, AIA, next to the AIA International Design Awards exhibit. Floral Court - a project he worked on with Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates – received a Merit Award in 2019. Photo by Adelina Koleva.

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA


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