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Beale & Co Reports from the courts

Fiona Mckay

Chapter partner, Beale & Co, brings us their May, June and July editions of their Reports from the Courts, a regular review of the court decisions of most interest to the construction industry published in Construction Law. 

In these editions, they examine:

• May edition - a case that will interest anyone hoping to invoke force majeure clauses against the background of sanctions against Russia and a case that serves as a reminder that terminating parties must take care to follow contractual termination procedures in their entirety. Click HERE for the full article.

• June edition - a report on a rare example of the courts refusing enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision and a case that acts as a reminder to ensure that the basis of the pricing and the payment mechanism in a contract is expressed clearly and understood from the outset to avoid later disputes. Click HERE for the full article.

•  July edition - a case that reinforces the courts’ robust approach to adjudication enforcement, and highlights the importance of compliance with the immediate payment obligation where the requisite notices have not been served; and a fire safety related case where the decision contrasts with a recent claimant-friendly decision. Click HERE for the full article.

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