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Membership News: Dues Changes

Fiona Mckay

Throughout the past year the AIA UK has endeavored to provide varied education and social events for our members as well as continuing with longstanding traditions such as the Design Awards. However, new economic challenges face both the chapter and the members AIA UK. Over the years AIA UK has sought to keep membership dues as low as possible, even decreasing our own local dues to erase any increases issued by national. The chapter cannot continue to provide worthwhile programming and support to our membership if we keep our dues artificially low.

As illustrated in the chart below the chapter has made a nominal increase to the local portion of your AIA dues allowing us to continue to provide excellent programming into the next year.   

We also want to acknowledge that while the AIA and the AIA UK provide great value the cost of membership might be a burden to some members. As such, we want to remind all our members who might be suffering from financial hardship and want to continue your membership to please contact us at We are here to help and will endeavor to find the best solution to your circumstances so that you can retain your membership.  

Thank you for renewing your membership for the next year.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our many scheduled events. 

Written by Taylor Rogers, AIA

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