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2024 AIA UK/RIBA Keynote Lecture - David Lake FAIA & Ted Flato, FAIA

Fiona Mckay

The 2024 AIA UK/RIBA Keynote lecture featured San Antonio-based architects David Lake, FAIA and Ted Flato, FAIA, winners of the 2024 AIA Gold Medal. The lecture was held on the 22nd of October at the RIBA headquarters at Portland Place.

RIBA CEO Valerie Vaughn-Dick and President Muyiwa Oki opened the evening both sharing thoughts on how events such as these serve to strengthen the commitment of both RIBA and AIA’s goals on education and stewardship of the profession.  AIA UK President Taylor Rogers also welcomed the audience and moderated the subsequent Q&A. 

David and Ted began their presentation by noting the great inspiration they draw from cities like London but also commenting on the comradery and zeal of the architectural community in the city. In their humble and disarming manner the two quickly settled into the story of how their practice developed and the inspiration they drew from their own mentors and in and around Texas. They traced through early projects setting the tone for the future of the practice that is now known around the world.

The pair took the audience from the early days of their practice with projects such as the Air Barns or the Hill Country Jacal ranch to larger and more well known projects such as the AT&T Center. Of particular focus was the re-development of the Pearl Brewery Center in San Antonio, a mixed use development which repurposed and revitalized a twentysix acre parcel of underused land in a bustling hub of shops, restaurants, arts and entertainment. 

They also dwelled on some of the quieter and refined nature of their work such as Confluence Park which provides visitors an opportunity to engage with the landscape and architecture in a personal manner. With Confluence Park the concrete petals sit lightly on the land, elegantly directing rainwater into the concealed cisterns acting as an emblem for the larger San Antonio ecosystem.

David and Ted spoke in an honest and relatable manner, it was clear to those in attendance that these two care deeply about not only the built work but the impact that it has on the occupants and the impact their work has on the environment. Their kind words for each other, practice of architecture, clients and projects created a comfortable atmosphere for the audience to appreciate the simplicity and elegance of their work and approach to design.

There was a short Q&A after the presentation with the focus of a few questions on how the pair approach the idea of craft and development of detail across the wide range of projects the practice may have on at any one time. Additional questions focused on the sustainable aspects of their projects and how they’re able to successfully realize such progressive ideas or technologies with programs or budgets that don’t otherwise seem to support such aspirations.

After the lecture there was a short drinks and networking event where attendees could gather and socialize. Following this the AIA UK hosted a dinner for David, Ted, their wives and members of the AIA UK and RIBA staff who organized the event. It was a lovely evening reflecting on the great work of the practice and their willingness to share their story with our community. 

For those that were not able to attend the lecture, it can be viewed on the AIA UK website HERE.

AIA members can obtain CES credit by watching the recording at the link above and completing the associated quiz when it becomes available.

Please also see HERE for the RIBA Journal’s article about the keynote lecture.

Written by Taylor Rogers, AIA

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