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AIA UK Attends Iris Ceramica “Summer in Bloom” Event

Fiona Mckay

Chapter members Michael Lischer, on left, and Gregory Fonseca prepare their bouquets for dipping.

AIA UK members accepted the kind invitation from Chapter sponsor, Iris Ceramica Group, to attend their premier summer event, Summer in Bloom.  This took place on the 31st of July at the ICG Gallery: the Iris Ceramica Group’s London showroom.  The purpose of Summer in Bloom was to “celebrate the season of light-heartedness and lightness, an invitation to enjoy the present moment, in harmony with oneself and with others”.

The most entertaining feature of the evening was to opportunity to participate in the Wax Atelier workshop.  This was led by London-based contemporary artist Lola Lely who took visitors through an experiential workshop in which flowers become the means for experimenting with the concept of “suspension in time”.  This was an opportunity to escape the rhythms of everyday life and reconnect with ourselves and others.  This involved dipping fresh cut flowers in several coloured vats of hot wax.  The results were amazing bouquets of flowers “frozen in time”.  No two bouquets were the same and the flowers crystallised in wax, become a gift of the evening enhanced with new meaning!

Summer in Bloom was a great success, and our thanks go to Iris Ceramica Group for hosting such and interesting and entertaining event at their ICG Gallery in Clerkenwell!

Written by Michael Lischer, FAIA

Summer in Bloom

The finished product

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