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Movie Night - The Pavilion on the Water

Fiona Mckay

The Pavilion on the Water producer Giorgio Guernier speaks to attendees.

We returned to the BFI for our Autumn movie screening in early November. Unfortunately due to programming conflicts and cinema availability, in the Autumn of 2024 we were only able to screen one movie. We started the Autumn screenings and ended the 2024 screenings on a high note, with a screening of The Pavilion on the Water.

The film, directed by Stefano Croci and Silvia Siberini, offers an intimate exploration of renowned Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa's profound connection to Japanese culture. Through careful cinematography and thoughtful pacing, the documentary weaves together Scarpa's architectural vision with his deep appreciation for Japanese aesthetics. It's particularly poignant that Japan, which served as such a wellspring of inspiration throughout his career, would also be where his life's journey ended in 1978.

What makes this documentary especially compelling is its ability to capture the essence of artistic genesis. The filmmakers approach their subject with a gentle melancholy, acknowledging not just the loss of Scarpa himself, but also the rarity of witnessing true artistic brilliance emerge. Yet there's also celebration here – a recognition that through his masterful works, Scarpa's vision continues to captivate and inspire new generations of architects and designers.

The debate at the end of the movie was lively, and was made especially so as we were honoured to have the film producer Giorgio Guernier attend the screening, where he took over leading the discussion and answering questions after the movie.

Many thanks to all who attended our screenings in 2024, and we look forward to welcoming you back and having many more of you join our screenings in the upcoming year.

Written by Chris Musangi, AIA

Chris Musangi introduces The Pavilion on the Water.

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