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Filtering by Tag: Eames


Fiona Mckay

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Over 40 people turned out for the AIA UK’s private tour of The World of Charles and Ray Eames at the Barbican Art Gallery. Curator Charlotte Dew provided two groups with a more in depth history and examination of the exhibit, taking us through the early days of Eames’ collaboration through their trials and successes and imminent stardom. Fortunately our group had sufficient time to enjoy such an extensive exhibit, spread over two floors and many rooms.

The exhibit explores the lives of these two visionary American designers, with over 380 original works – hand sketches, graphic designs, early bent plywood projects and proto-types, multi-media communication concepts and of course chairs! Working in the post-war era of modernism, the exhibit examines the importance of their work and the timeless quality of their designs. With a wealth of materials from their private archives, viral-quality videos from Herman Miller, and even a newly constructed model of their infamous house in California, the exhibit presents a well-rounded profile of these two internationally celebrated designers.

The AIA UK Chapter will be planning more of these private tours, following this success. However, if you could not make it to see The World of Charles and Ray Eames with us this time, you should book your tickets before the exhibit closes in February. 

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Tristan Fewings - Getty Images

Image: Frederick Grier

Image: Frederick Grier

Author: Frederick Grier

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