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Filtering by Tag: John Utzon


Fiona Mckay

Our first movie night of the year was the sold out screening of ‘The Edge of the Possible’, which charts the dramatic course of the creation of a the iconic Sydney Opera House building, and includes a rare interview with Jorn Utzon as he reflects on his role in the compelling story of the conception and construction of the Sydney Opera House.

Jorn Utzon, Denmark’s most celebrated architect, was awarded the first prize in an international architecture competition to design an Opera House for Sydney. In 1957 he flew to Australia to begin work on the construction of the greatest building Australia has ever seen and, indeed, one of the finest achievements of modern architecture. Utzon was forced from the project in 1966 after nine years of work on the Opera House. Utzon fled Australia with his young family and never returned.

The second movie night took us to the West Coast of North America with ‘Coast Modern’, a documentary which showcases the pioneers of West Coast Modernist Architecture, and the homes that have become their legacies. Attendees were able to step inside the most inspired dwellings on the west coast, and feel how the light and space of a classic Modernist home can work together with the natural environment. The relaxed journey took us across three generations of Modernist architecture, featuring images from legendary photographer Julius Shulman.

The movie nights shall resume in the Autumn with even more exciting titles and debates. We look forward to having you join us!

Author: Chris Musangi

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