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Filtering by Tag: Norman Foster


Fiona Mckay

We started off the Autumn movie series screening ‘How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster?’ This film traces the rise of one of London's and indeed the world’s premier architects, Norman Foster, and his unending quest to improve the quality of life through design.

The title is taken from a question put to him by his hero, American architect Buckminster Fuller, referring to the Sainsbury Centre next to UEA, a quirky question designed to get him and us thinking about the concept of mass in architecture. Portrayed are Foster’s origins and how his dreams and influences inspired the design of projects such as the largest building in the world Beijing Airport, the Reichstag, the Hearst Building in New York and works such as the tallest bridge ever, in Millau France. The attendees loved the movie, unfortunately the weather wasn’t that good on the night of the screening and this seems to have prevented some people who had purchased tickets from attending the screening.

The final movie of year shall be ‘The Socialist, The Architect and the Twisted Tower’ which we shall screen at the BFI on 18 November  at 1900hrs. We look forward to seeing you there!

Author: Chris Musangi 

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