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Filtering by Tag: Summer Gala

A Mid-Summer's Night Gala

Fiona Mckay

This year’s ever popular AIA UK Summer Gala was held on 21st of June (mid-summer) in the enchanting conservatory terrace at the Barbican. The Mid-Summer Night’s theme, honouring the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare, echoed in the raffle prizes which included a themed experience at The Globe Theatre, London Eye tickets, furniture and many more generous donations from AIA UK sponsors. Prizes were entertainingly raffled this year, with sales proceeds supporting the work of the chapter.

Dinner was served a’la carte via “street food” stalls set up around the terrace and allowed guests to wander the gardens whilst enjoying their food and drinks. It was a rare beautiful day following a string of rainy days; the enclosed terrace must have insured against the rain. Guests enjoyed a beautiful sunset through the glazed interior, and were able to socialise with a wide variety of industry professionals.

Guests proclaimed the Gala a huge success. To improve upon it in the future, we would like to offer reduced entry tickets for emerging professionals, and invite guests from an even wider variety of professionals including developers and potential clients.

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Fiona Mckay

The annual Summer Gala was a traditional British barbecue this year. Despite the misty weather, everyone enjoyed the fresh air and delicious food at the Rotunda Bar & Restaurant at King's Place. It was an evening of networking, socialising and thanking our chapter sponsors, especially Herman Miller whom sponsored the event. As always, the highlight of the evening was the prize draw by Herman Miller with Lorraine King winning the chair. It was great to see so many old and new faces at the gala. 

To view more photos of the event, click here.

Author: Brianne Hamilton

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